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Mount Eliza Soccer Club

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Indoor Soccer Term 4 2023

Finals night at Mornington Indoor Sports & Inflatables

More than 25 Mount Eliza Soccer Club kids took part in various teams in Indoor soccer term 4 with the Finals taking place tonight.

One team "The Mount Eliza Tigers" (a mix of Under 11 and Under 10) won their final even with 4 players and the entire coaching staff missing ( overseas, Interstate, trampoline injuries* ect).

*kid not coach

Massive shout out to Justin Gatley the clubs Sponsorship Manager who stepped up and ran the show leading the boys to victory. Move over Sir Alex!If you would like to sponsor Mount Eliza Soccer Club or perhaps chat to Justin about the big game tonight please click the the link below...


Gary Talbot

Charity Partner

Glen Saunderson

50 Mount Eliza Way 3930

Phone 03 9776 3270

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100 Mt. Eliza Way